What Mexico Auto Insurance Coverage do I need?

Coverage for injuries caused to persons in and outside of your vehicle, breakdowns and dealing with foreign authorities are covered on most Mexpro Mexico Auto insurance policies.
"What kind of insurance do I need when I go to Mexico?" This is one of the most common questions asked by visitors to Mexpro.com. The short answer is buy a full coverage policy with high liability limits, but that is simplistic. The answer is—it depends entirely on you and what you believe you need. Here is a coverage-by-coverage guide to help you understand the coverage offered so that you can decide what's best for you.
Liability – Liability is the base of all Mexico Auto Insurance policies. Liability covers the damage you do to others. So if you damage another's property or injure another person in a car accident, it's liability that covers those damages.It is required by many states and municipalities in Mexico, and is now required on many federal highways and bridges. It is essential anyway you look at it, but how much should you buy? As much as you can afford! On Mexico insurance policies liability is cheap, but having high limits protects you in the event that you cause the death of another person as a result of an accident. Mexico changed its laws drastically, increasing how much you can be on the hook for if you unintentionally cause the death of another motorist. We recommend no less than $300,000, and urge you to consider $500,000 in liability coverage. Liability is included in all Mexpro's Mexico Insurance policies.
Legal Assistance – It is true that in the event you cause an accident, you may be hauled off to the local jail in Mexico until you can prove financial responsibility. In a different country with a language you may or may not speak, this is a situation where you will want some legal help. This coverage provides the bond to get you out and pays for a lawyer to represent you.
Medical Payments – Medical payments provides coverage for injuries to occupants of your vehicle in the event of an accident. While this is included in each of our policies the amount can vary from company to company and from program to program. Some companies provide coverage as high as $30,000 Combined Single Limit or CSL for short. This means if one person gets injured the full amount can be used on that person. Or, small amounts could be used for a number of people. Other companies have a per-person limit, and a total limit. So For example you might see $10,000/$50,000. That means the total amount per person is $10,000 and the total amount of coverage for Medical payments is $50,000. Some companies have less. So this is something to look for as you compare different companies.
Travel Assistance – In the states, you might have a travel assistance company to provide tow or roadside service, or you might just call your brother-in-law, but that isn't going to happen in Mexico. Our policies provide MexVisit® travel assistance. Need gas, a tow, a locksmith or a way home. All that can be provided by MexVisit®. Some policies automatically include this, on others it's optional. It's always a good idea.
Each of the mentioned coverage options are included in the most basic of coverage levels. At this point you are covered for damage and injuries you cause to other people, and you and the occupants of your vehicle. You have coverage if you breakdown, and help if you have to deal with the authorities. But what about your car, how do you cover that, and what's the best way? You cover your vehicle with physical damage insurance.