Does Your US or Canadian Auto Policy provide coverage in Mexico?
There is a lot of confusion as to whether or not, and how much coverage, US and Canadian Auto insurers provide in Mexico. Let's start with the basics:

No US or Canadian insurer can legally provide liability and legal aid coverage in Mexico, and none do. So the starting point is that anyone driving to Mexico MUST purchase, at a minimum, Mexico admitted (meets Mexico insurance requirements) liability coverage.
Historically, some US auto insurers provided coverage in Mexico via a "limited Mexico coverage endorsement." This endorsement typically provided limited Physical Damage coverage in Mexico, but only for trips shorter than 10 days duration. And, only for accidents that occurred (depending on insurer) up to 25, 50 or 75 miles from the border.
This endorsement has caused a lot of confusion and uncovered claims, as many drivers to Mexico remained in Mexico for more than 10 days and/or traveled beyond the endorsement mileage radius.
Even worse, many drivers did not realize that these "limited Mexico coverage endorsements" were not legal proof of insurance in Mexico and were left on their own to deal with the Mexico judicial system...without any coverage for liability or legal aid.
As a result, fewer and fewer US insurers offer this endorsement, and most US insurers now partner with Mexico insurance specialists like Mexpro to provide "complete" Mexico coverage to their customers. If you'd prefer, you can contact your US insurer to see if they offer Mexico Insurance with printed proof of liability coverage anywhere in Mexico.